A beautiful bright to dark green crystal, usually with stripes or swirling patterns, Malachite has a silky appearance and is found in the Congo, the Middle East, Peru, Romania, Russia, Zaire and Zambia. The green colouring of Malachite comes from copper with the water content affecting the depth of the green and the dark/light patterns.
Chemically, Malachite is closest to Azurite and can actually be formed from Azurite as it crystallises. As a result, the two are often found together.Malachite is toxic therefore should be used cautiously when carved or used in crystal water. It should not be taken internally. Malachite is also sensitive to acid, heat, hot water and ammonia. As such, polished Malachite should not be washed in water, acids or any product containing ammonia.
The word Malachite may be a derivative of the Greek words "malache" meaning "mallow" (a green herb) or possibly "malakos" meaning “soft”. Both aptly relate to this green, soft stone.
Physically, Malachite is often associated with the following:
* Stomach
* Liver
* Kidney stones
* Lungs
* Immune system
* Multiple sclerosis
* Circulation and other issues related to the blood (e.g. reducing bleeding, blood purifying, blood pressure)
* Radiation and chemotherapy
* Sleeping problems
* Asthma
* Bones and bone marrow
* Cancer
* Growths and tumours
* Joints
* Muscles
* Inflammation
* Bacterial infection
* Brain disorders
* Purging of toxins
* Vertigo
* Child birth
* Morning Sickness
* Pain relief and trauma
* Epilepsy
* Gall Bladder
* Infections
Magically, Malachite is generally used for the following purposes:
* Protection
* Transition and transformation
* Clearing negativity
* Promotes faithfulness and loyalty in relationships
* Accepting responsibility
* Releasing inner truth
* Clarifying emotions
* Assisting in physical and psychic healing
* Meditation
* Psychic visions
* Self-expression and creativity
* Money matters
Malachite may assist with the following:
* Depression
* Anger
* Nightmares
* Addiction
* Anorexia
* Confidence
* Emotional healing
* Trust
Malachite has a feminine feel to it and is associated with the astrological signs of Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus and less commonly Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius.
Malachite can be used on the heart chakra due to its green colour for matters of the heart but also the throat for self expression and creativity. In history, the ancient Egyptians used ground Malachite for their eye make-up and over children’s beds as a protection symbol.
10 years ago
That's a beautiful stone. I have it at home - my son is a collector - but Ididn't know it has so many healing properties. Thank you.
It is a beautiful stone. It helps with other eating disorders? Do you know what stone helps with bulimia and generally eating disorders?
mmmm, this one's speaking to me... in its healing properties and to my starsign...
It must be so nice to have someone else in your household interested in these things, Sylvia. You are very blessed.
Merry meet, Georgina,
Quite a few different crystals could be used for eating disorders but the issues behind the eating disorders in the individual would need to be fully understood and the use of crystals (or, indeed, any magic or spell work) would need to be part of an overall strategy.
For crystals specifically, my immediate thoughts are as follows:
* rose quartz would be good to assist where the eating disorder is related to self-esteem and the need for emotional healing;
* malachite would help more from an addiction or dispelling of negative energy point of view;
* tigers eye may also be helpful in terms of focus on goals but also in addressing fear and anxiety; and
* clear quartz could be used for focus in regards to willpower and intensifying self-control.
Please do let me know how these sit with you and if I can provide any further details or suggestions. My email address is in my profile if you'd prefer to contact me that way. All of the answers are in your heart. ♥
And Shadow, it is so wonderful to connect with you via this post. I am always pleased to see your comments and am so glad that you have found resonance with this crystal. Being open to the signs we get often through happenstance is the best was to unlocking the secret knowledge of our subconscious.
One of my favorites... have one I carry in my pocket for support... did not know the association with Scorpio...
They are such a kelly green, very pretty.
Thanx, Janie, yes,I carried one in my bag for a while, too!
Hahaha, Renee - I had to look up "kelly green" and with my Irish heritage I'm embarrassed that I'd never heard of it before - but yes, your right, it is such a kelly green ☺
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